söndag 19 juni 2011

False Potatoe au Gratin

In the last recipe I compared the Zucchini au gratin with Potatoes au gratin which got me thinking if there was an even truer way to substitute the potatoes in the gratin. And would you believe there was!? The answer is white radish! With its similiar texture and subtle taste it is the perfect substitute for potatoes.

White radish
So what you really could do is to use your usual recipe and just substitute the potatoes to white radish, but since I thrive on pushing my opinions (in this case, recipes) on people I will publish the one and only true recipe for False Potatoes au gratin.

False Potatoes au Gratin
4-6 servings

600 grams of white radish
300 ml of grated cheese of your own choice, preferably good-tasting one
200 ml of cream
1 clove of garlic
1/2 onion
salt, white pepper

Slice the radish in thin slices (about 3-4 mm). Parboil for about 20 minutes, until they are almost done. Butter an oven safe baking dish and put half of the radish slices in it. Sprinkle with salt and white pepper. Chop/grate/press the garlic over the radish, sprinkle about 150 ml of grated cheese over it. Put the rest of the radish on top of it, then the cheese and finally pour the cream over it all. Broil until golden brown for 20-30 minutes (440F/225C). Serve with some juicy steak.

False Potatoes au Gratin


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